25 May 2009

Zingerman's in Ann Arbor

I didn't know about Zingerman's before we moved here but apparently it is kind of famous. It is definitely on the pricey side so I only go when my parents are in town! I was really disappointed this time though. Last time we'd had a chicken pot pie which was awesome. And they also sell some pastries to Sparty's coffee shop at MSU, so I'd had (and loved) their cookies and bagels.

I'd been eagerly awaiting the chance to try their deli sandwiches, which I'd heard so much about. They cost around $12 so there's no way I was going to go when mom and dad were not paying! Anyway, I got the reuben with corned beef and Kea got it with pastrami. It was good but mine had not enough sauerkraut and Kea's had too much! Besides my opinion about the proper amount of sauerkraut, I also was disappointed with the inconsistency! If you are going to charge that much for a sandwich, you need to be perfect! The pickles, however, were awesome! We usually go to Amer's for deli sandwiches and Amer's pickles are very sad. Zingerman's garlic pickle was awesome though and the other one was pretty good too.

My parents had some pasta salad that they liked but I was unimpressed with.

And we also had some gelato which cost a small fortune. Seriously, we paid several dollars for a Dixie cup. Of course we knew it was expensive, but we expected that it would be awesome and thus worth it right? I was disappointed. We got the chocolate hazelnut and the vanilla. The chocolate hazelnut had a really great flavor to start off, but as we went on, I got bored of it and felt it was too sweet. And this was with three of us sharing two tiny cups, so you know I didn't eat very much of it to begin with! The vanilla was also okay but a little bland. Going back and forth between the two was okay, but, again, for the price, it should be perfect! I had better gelato in the Westfield mall on Market Street in San Francisco and, honestly, in the Barnes and Noble in the Lansing Mall too!

Zingerman's has a lot of stuff. I'd love to try it all if I had the chance, but for the price, I definitely can't afford that. Maybe I'm just ordering the wrong stuff but I can't afford to experiment over there!


At 10:46 AM , Blogger Julie said...

Hell yeah, the sandwich better be perfect if it costs $12 and I can't believe how much the gelato cost! That's weird about the sauerkraut to sandwich meat ratio. Maybe they had new people working?

At 11:24 AM , Blogger rt said...

Have you heard of this place? I feel like now that I know it, I see it mentioned every once in awhile (like say in O magazine or something)...

Where do you like to get sandwiches in Hawai'i? I used to like Volcano Joe's... not sure where I will go now. Of course there is so much other stuff to eat, I will only miss the sandwich every now and then.

Do you know anywhere to get gelato in Hawai'i? I saw a Honolulu Weekly review about some place near Meadow Gold. Other than that they were all in very inconvenient places (like downtown or Waikiki or something).

At 8:47 PM , Blogger Julie said...

I don't eat wheat very often these days, but the Reuben sandwiches at Brent's in Kailua are delicious and not as expensive as Zingerman's. That place has a huge menu and everything that I've tried so far from there has been great.

I had some really yummy gelato from A Latta Gelata, which is sold at the Kahala Mall Whole Foods. I think my favorite was the pistachio.

At 4:33 AM , Blogger rt said...

ooh, those sound great! yeah the sandwich place we usually go to is like $6-7. we don't find ourselves in kailua often but will have to make a point to get there one day!

At 7:47 AM , Blogger dj fuzzylogic said...

Zingerman's came to "The Great American Food Festival" here in the bay and all they brought was cheese and 5 types of bacon. WTF? That's like Michael Jackson (RIP) doing a concert and only singing "Stranger in Moscow" and "Liberian Girl."

But anyway, Zingerman deli sandwiches, OVERRATED. But Zingerman Roadhouse, UNDERRATED! Ever try the roadhouse? There' something about a sandwich i just can't pay 12 dollars for. But the roadhouse 16 dollar chili and garlic fries topped with with huge chunks of pork... YES!

Lastly, can Bean and I blog roll you?

At 8:27 AM , Blogger rt said...

darn, never checked out the roadhouse. oh wells...

and yes you can definitely blog roll... i haven't figured out how to do that yet...


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